Why manage speeding

View source:  Kevin Seth, AU, ARM, AAI, AIS, AINS

Managing speeding is crucial for several reasons, including:

Safety: Speeding significantly increases the likelihood and severity of accidents. When drivers exceed the speed limit or drive too fast for road and weather conditions, they have less time to react to obstacles and reduced control over their vehicles. Managing speeding helps reduce the risk of accidents and, consequently, the number of injuries and fatalities on the road.

Reduced Severity of Accidents: Even when accidents occur, managing speeding can reduce their severity. Vehicles traveling at lower speeds are less likely to cause extensive damage and severe injuries. This can mean the difference between life and death in some cases.

Protection of Vulnerable Road Users: Slower speeds are especially important in areas with pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Managing speeding ensures that these vulnerable road users have a better chance of survival in case of an accident involving faster-moving vehicles.

Lower Fuel Consumption and Environmental Impact: Vehicles generally consume more fuel and produce more emissions at higher speeds. By managing speeding and driving within speed limits, drivers can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Legal Consequences: Speeding violations can lead to legal consequences, including fines, points on a driver’s license, and even license suspension. Managing speeding helps drivers avoid these penalties and maintain a clean driving record.

Improved Traffic Flow: Speeding can disrupt the flow of traffic, leading to congestion, road rage, and more accidents. By adhering to speed limits and managing their speed appropriately, drivers can contribute to smoother traffic flow.

Positive Driving Behavior:  Encouraging responsible speed management promotes a culture of safer driving. It encourages drivers to be more attentive, considerate, and respectful of others on the road.

Insurance Premiums: Speeding tickets and accidents resulting from speeding can lead to higher insurance premiums. Managing speeding can help drivers maintain lower insurance costs.

 In Conclusion, managing speeding is essential for promoting road safety, reducing accidents, protecting vulnerable road users, and creating more sustainable and livable communities. It also helps individuals avoid legal consequences and maintain a responsible and considerate approach to driving.